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Bolton Car Interiors
For all your interior trims & seat repairs ​
Bolton Car Interiors is a fully mobile
company, operating around the
Greater Manchester area.
The repairs we carry out on interior
trims range from marks and
scratches caused by general wear
and tear to repairing the wooden
inserts. All can be repaired up to a
professional standard.
Many of the dealerships we work
with have this sort of work carried
out prior to the vehicle going on sale.
We can also replace the cloth/leather
inserts in door panels to different
colours to make your car unique to

These images are of a Mercedes, the damage was caused by the window being broken.
A replacement panel was approx £600 but our repair cost less than £100.

Our repairs to dashboards range
from holes in dashboards left by
phone kits to glass damage and
colour peeling off caused by air
We also offer a fitting service for
dashboards .
However we are unable to repair
dashboards when the near side
airbag has deployed for safety
The before and after images are of a Kia Dashboard. The vehicle had been involved in an accident.
The dash was damaged all over and had to be removed to carry out the body repairs. We filled, textured and re-coloured the complete dash.

Before and after photos
of door panel repair.